Ooomiiiigoosshhh nd I'm officially fall in love with a vampire ! well, no it isn't that horrible, because this vampire is totally CUTE ! even he is a vegetarian vampire ! imagine that ?? yeaa, though it doesn't mean that he eat vegetables, vegetarian in quote it mean .. he's just tryin' hard not to consume human blood but replace it with animal's blood. so, I just found out that the fact is : vegie vampire isn't dangerous to take as a boyfriend. lol.
here is the story, it was on Tuesday, mh, i can't remember the date yet. at that time, friend of mine ( jaman, red) told us (me nd my other friends, red) about the trilogy book of twilight written by Stephenie Meyer. He was just soo exciting about those twilight stuff. So, we felt curious with that too, so we decided to go to the cinemas ASAP, nd prove jaman's recommended film. oh iya, si jaman sama nonni sempet berantem gitu, pas jaman ngomong "twilight" but it sound like he was saying "toilet", nd it makes a little miss-communication there. hahaha.
jaman : (sibuk dengan ocehannya tentang 'twilight' stuff, yg padahal tiap hari kita ngedenger hal yang sama dari dia) blalala blalablablablalalala..
nonni : ah si jaman dari kemaren ngomongin twilight moloo dahh. penasaran gw !
jaman : yuk nonton yuk nonn !! (with his exciting face)
nonni : ajak yang laeenn, males gw kalo berdua lo doang !
jaman : (nengok ke gw nd meqy , nd BELIEVE ME ! he is taking his 'melas' face !, which it was really makes me feel 'males')
saqy : NO WAY !! kemaren gw abis nonton Quantum of Solace ! ga ada duit gw !
meqy : ayo ayo nonton ! kemaren gw juga udah nonton sih, tapi The City of Ember .
jaman : nahh ayooo !!
nonni : ajak yang laeenn, males gw kalo berdua lo doang !
jaman : (nengok ke gw nd meqy , nd BELIEVE ME ! he is taking his 'melas' face !, which it was really makes me feel 'males')
saqy : NO WAY !! kemaren gw abis nonton Quantum of Solace ! ga ada duit gw !
meqy : ayo ayo nonton ! kemaren gw juga udah nonton sih, tapi The City of Ember .
jaman : nahh ayooo !!
meqy : tapi gw maunya Journey to The Center of The Earth! film 3D tuh men !
nonni : wahh, keren juga tuh !
saqy : gw ga bawa dompet
nonni : sekarang lo bawa duit berapa ? ntar gw tambahin goceng dahh
jaman : (ga terima gw mau dibayarin goceng, ehm, maksudnya dia juga pengen minta ditambahin) ihhh, gw juga ga ada duit ! tambahin gw goceng , meq !
meqy : dihh ??
endy : Qy, ade lu pengen ikut tuh katanya! (dengan muka ga enaknya)
jaman : buruuann sebelum si ira minta ikut nonton !!(ira is friend of mine, yang suka dicengin sama anak2. but I know they're only kidding nd just making her as a jokes)
meqy : (muka ga enak dan ketakutan) yuk yuk yuk !!
nonni : wahh, keren juga tuh !
saqy : gw ga bawa dompet
nonni : sekarang lo bawa duit berapa ? ntar gw tambahin goceng dahh
jaman : (ga terima gw mau dibayarin goceng, ehm, maksudnya dia juga pengen minta ditambahin) ihhh, gw juga ga ada duit ! tambahin gw goceng , meq !
meqy : dihh ??
endy : Qy, ade lu pengen ikut tuh katanya! (dengan muka ga enaknya)
jaman : buruuann sebelum si ira minta ikut nonton !!(ira is friend of mine, yang suka dicengin sama anak2. but I know they're only kidding nd just making her as a jokes)
meqy : (muka ga enak dan ketakutan) yuk yuk yuk !!
well, then akhirnya gw tergoda rayuan setan - setan alas kaki ini ! dan ujung-ujungnya gw utang sama si ketua angkatan yang juga counter pulsa berjalan (Faher, red) .what the hell ??!!
akhirnya kita pergi nonton si "twilight" itu naik taksi BLUEBIRD bodoh. tadinya mau naik taksi hijau kepunyaan KOPERASI aja tuh, ehh salah nyegat jadi yang biru dengan tulisan BLUEBIRD GROUP ga ngenakin bacanya. well, in conclusion, it was feel like 'Taksi rasa Dosa' why ?? karena ga satupun dari kita ikhlas dn rela ngeluarin duit buat bayar si taksi bertuliskan BLUEBIRD GROUP itu. damn !
sesampainya di 21 La Piazza di bilangan jakarta timur sana.
ternyata di La Piazza belom ada Journey to the center of the earth. so, I think you could imagine how excited si jaman was. his dream to watch 'twilight' the movie, came true.
ternyata pas beli tiket nonton, kita kena pajak bayar PMI sebersar 1000rupiah. jadi total cost nya Rp. 16000. kita pilih tempat duduk di tengah, yang di sebelah kirinya udah ada satu orang yang nempatin.
endy : (muka licik) jangan jangan yang satu orang itu si ira lagi !
jaman : nah luu. pokonya gw ga mau duduk di pojok kiri itu ah !
then, si jaman nd Endy was going to mushola to get some praying stuff.
alhasil, kita tinggal ber3 ( me, nonni nd meqy). at that time we had a silly stupidos little conversations
meqy : (masang tampang curiga nd sok serius) eh siapa ya yang duduk di paling kiri itu ?? jangan - jangan bneran ira nihh.
saqy : ih iya yaa, jangan - jangan iya lagi. bisa pas gitu ya ?
nonni : iya tuh kan lumayan 5000! seribu - seribu jadi 5000 deh ! wah lumayan tuh !
meqy nd saqy : ?????
nonni : (senyum - senyum innocent face ) bener kan ??
saqy : bahahahahaahaha
meqy : iya iyaa bener, bego yaaa kita saq ??
nonni : iyaaa bego lo pada ga bisa ngitung yaa ??
saqy : ih iya yaa, jangan - jangan iya lagi. bisa pas gitu ya ?
nonni : iya tuh kan lumayan 5000! seribu - seribu jadi 5000 deh ! wah lumayan tuh !
meqy nd saqy : ?????
nonni : (senyum - senyum innocent face ) bener kan ??
saqy : bahahahahaahaha
meqy : iya iyaa bener, bego yaaa kita saq ??
nonni : iyaaa bego lo pada ga bisa ngitung yaa ??
p.s : agak aneh emang itu si nonni akhir2 ini dia suka bermain dengan pikirannya sendiri, dan dengan tiba - tiba, she sout it out without think about it before ! hhh.. then I remember , anak TP (Teknologi Pendidikan, jurusan gw, red) emang aneh - aneh.
eh iya, this is my review about 'Twilight' movie overall :
Kristin Stewart as Bella: An overall good performance. Some of her lines could have been delivered better, but I never saw her as Kristin Stewart, only as Bella. Her voice was a bit deep for my liking at the beginning, but after a while, you get used to it.
Robert Pattinson as Edward : HOTTY STUFF !! Can somebody say hot hot hot? Honestly, he did a fantastic job. Some of his lines could have been delivered better as well, but he really got Edward's sexiness down, along with the whole "I love you I want to kill you." He isn't that HOT in Harry Potter trilogy as Cedric Diggory
okay nd now it's about the special effects :
Speed & Strength: Average. It was nothing great - a lot of the speed was done in slow mo, but I enjoyed it. The vampire baseball game was fun!
Sparkling: Okay, it was cheesy. But let's face it, was there any way to make that look real? It could have been a lot worse than it was.
my favorite scene !
Favorite Scene: The three seconds where they had Bella fantastive about Edward biting her neck. Ooooooomigod. Loved it. XD And the prom scene at the end was really sweet - it changed a lot, but still.
Oh yaa, I do LOVE the vampire baseball games too !! Oh.My.God !! it's just so cool !!
Favorite line: "What a sick, masochistic lion." Rob as Edward delivered it really well.
Favorite Missed Line: Stupid, shiny Volvo owner. Come on, I love that line!
nd my BIG conclusion is : vampire's flirts is definetely different from human's flirts ! It could make all girls in the whole world MELT !! gee.
so just enjoy the movie nd leave me a comment please !
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