Jumat, 07 November 2008

beautiful fridaynight :)

umm it's not like 'friday night' that lily allen usually sing on it , which she say that get in the car nd drive to the club , well NO ! I'm not going to any club, nd I also not a Girl on a guest list dressed like a c***, just like lily allen say on her FRIDAY NIGHT song. hello , I'm a good girl , geez !
Yeaa, last night was a beautiful night I ever had. though I'm getting ill now. hehe masuk angin stadium akhir nii. tapi kejadian friday night ini bener-bener jadi obat buat gw. I mean, everytime I remember about the night I just don't care if I am sick now. hehehe.
hmh, jadi pas malem jumat kemaren itu, one of my BEST friends ulang taun. I've told you a lil about him on my previous post --the one that I've been waiting for his calls, remember ??-- I've told you before, He isn't my anything except friend, okay?? I explicit you once again, he is just my BESTY ! but idk, I just feel soo happy when I was with him. It feels like time stops when I'm with him*teehee. no offense if you said that he has driving me crazy!
that night was soo beautiful nd I was so amazed with him. I don't know I don't feel right when he stare at me or even when he smiling at me ! I just feel like, ummm flying ?? yeaa up and high soo high, nd I dont want it to be ends up. ohh puuhhleeaaaasssee what am I talking about ??!!
well we've spent the night together.
we played UNO cards , he done soo many silly things that made me laugh! hmhh, that was really really time stops when I'm with him. BAHH !!
I arrived at home at 10.30 pm, when I was about to go bed, he send me an sms that made me smile. hehehe.
yeaa he isn't anyone except my BESTY ! but thanks for the most beautiful friday night ! I hope he does feel the same then :)

8 komentar:

saqy mengatakan...

cause a girl like me waited patienly for someone, someone to care for me ..

bhahahaha ga ada yg ngasi komen apahh ??

Iqbal mengatakan...

gw aja deh yg komen. .
ud nemu dong berarti happiness lo ? hahahahaha

saqy mengatakan...

huuahaauuuhauahaua (gajelas antara nangis ato tarzan) belooomm.
I'm not expecting him for more, takut ah gw.
gw mau belajar jar jar . hehe tapi kok malah ngenet moloo yaaa kerjaan gw ?? hahaha.
tapi gw masi waiting ting ting sapa tau ada yang ting ting. hahahaha

Iqbal mengatakan...

hahahahaha ting ting. .emangnya permen. .
lo tulis aja lagi di blog lo judulnya "Cari Jodoh". .konsepnya itu tuh yg kaya di koran2, kan ada tuh. .ntar tulisan awalnya "diidam2kan ! perjaka ting ting. .bla. .bla. .bla" he2. .
ud belajar lo sana, ktnya takut sm uts. .

saqy mengatakan...

bahh !! cari jodohh ?? hahaha belom terlintas di otak saya. hhihihi.
orang gw cuma iseng2 doang juga, bal. kan biar ada penyemangat gw berangkat pagi2 ke rawamangun. desek2n ngantri busway blalala. huu. kalo ga ada yang motivator yaa males lah gw desek2n di busway. hhehe. *pdhl orgnya jg blm tentu mau am gw. hahaha

Iqbal mengatakan...

ah lo bs aja dah ngmng gt. .sapa tau dgn nulis ini post, tmnnya ada yg baca dan ngmg k orangnya. .dan orgnya jadi tau dan mau jadi satu. .satu pemikiran kan kita ?? hahahahahhaha

saqy mengatakan...

well sorry then, I'm not in a good mood in making love relationship now. hehe
stresso gw stressoooo

Iqbal mengatakan...

hahhahahahaha. .
stresso knp lg lo ? bknnya ud kelar uts lo itu ?