Kamis, 18 Desember 2008
short update
I should feel happy nd I should thank to god because I've got what I want. but, I just couldn't get the feel. I feel plain. I mean, I love it, I love him. but, I think there's something missing between us. nd until now, I don't know what are those missing things.
Sabtu, 13 Desember 2008
10 things about me ??
berhubung dan sehubungan dengan saya di tag sama mbak nonni. so now I have to repost the article '10 things about me'. Sebenernya agak bingung juga apa yang mau gw bahas dari diri gw, because I have nothing special in me. zz boring banget pastinya. haha. Terus, tadi tiba - tiba secara ga sengaja dan bener - benar tidak disengaja, gw ngisi bulbo (bulletin board, red) yang di friendster itu yang isinya : faktor - faktor yang menyebabkan gw lebih memilih mati. haha. then I re-write it on this posting. So just check it out
10 reasons why I should die :
1. tugas - tugas yang setiap harinya bukannya berkurang tapi malah semakin bertambah.
hmm, setiap hari adaaa aja tugas. sedihnya, setiap kali selesai satu tugas bukannya lega karena uda hilang satu beban, tapi malah dateng lagi si tugas yang lainnya. hahhh. setelah melalui berbagai pengalaman seperti itu, akhirnya saya dapat menyimpulkan bahwa prinsip dasar dari tugas adalah : 'Gugur Satu Tumbuh Seribu'
2. GW LAGI STRESS . (full stop)
3. dampak stress yang membuat gw ingin belanja dan menghamburkan uang
kalo lagi stress biasanya gw melampiaskannya dengan belanjaaaaa. belanja gila - gilaan . atau, kalo kata lagunya Efek Rumah Kaca itu 'Belanja Terus Sampai Mati'
4. Efeknya bisa merambat sampai ke masalah perekonomian gw.
masalahnya adalahh, gw ga punya duit buat melampiaskan stress gw ini
5. Ga dapet - dapet arisan pula !!
sebenernya sihh seharusnya gw uda dapet arisan. Tapi karena gw merasa iba sama temen gw yang lebih membutuhkannya, jadi gw relain itu uang 300rb pindah tangan.
Begini ceritanya, waktu itu adalah hari kamis pagi hari di ruang kelas DS 305 mata kuliah PIP (Pengantar Ilmu Pendidikan, red). Nahh, setiap hari kamis adalah hari dimana ibu - ibu arisan rajin - rajinnya beribadah dan berdoa kepada Allah swt supaya diberi kemudahan dan kelancaran ekonominya, karena hidup dan matinya perekonomian ibu - ibu itu ditentukan oleh aqua gelas kosong yang di dalamnya terdapat nama - nama ibu - ibu arisan tersebut. setiap kocokannya sangat membuat ibu - ibu arisan itu merasa tegang, lol. yaahhh all in all pokoknya setiap hari kamis itu kita ngocok arisan di kelas. nahh, kebetulan pas hari itu si nonni belom dateng - dateng juga. Karena desakan - desakkan ibu - ibu arisan lain yang udah ga sabar, alhasil kita ninggalin nonni dan ngocok arisan deh. Jeleknya adalaah, yang keluar itu namanya 'NONNI' terus kita semua saling menatap satu sama lain. Dan akhirnya panitia arisan (Dar, Dwie, Depoy) memutuskan untuk mengocok ulang, karena nonni nya ga ada. Setelah pengocokan kedua diikuti dengan doa doa mujarab(ahaha berley ah gw !) keluarlah nama 'SAQY' bhahahahaha gw senengnyaaa minta ampun dahh, tapi masih kurang goceng soalnya si nonni masi ngutang 5000, tapi ga apa lah, ntar gw tagih kalo anaknya dateng. Namun, kesenangan gw itu hanya sesaat, dan semua berakhir ketika si nonni belande datang ditengah - tengah kebahagiaan gw.
dia datang dengan muka kecapeaaann banget. Trus dia duduk di depan gw. terus terjadilah percakapan yang mengenaskan hati.
saqy : (raut muka bahagia) ni, goceng ni goceng ! gw dapet arisan . huahuahauhauhuahuhah
nonni : (masih kecapean sambil kipas - kipas) hahh ?? serius lo ?? iya iya deh ntar
penny : (polos tak berdosa dan dengan santainya) nonni, lo telat sih datengnya, padahal kan tadi nama lo duluan tau yang keluar, tapi lo nya belom dateng sih jadi dikocok ulang deh. trus yang keluar nama saqy deh.
nonni : (kaget dan merasa tambah kepanasan) iyaa ?? kok gitu sihh ?? kok ga nungguin gw dulu sih baru ngocok ??
saqy : yaa lo datengnya telat. kan kesepakatan baru kita kalo di kocok ga ada orangnya, yaa dikocok ulang
sementara itu dibelakang gw
Dar : (nendang nendang kursi gw) qy ..
saqy : yaaa ??
Dar : Begooo~ .. lo bilang - bilang ya ke nonni ??
saqy : iya.. kenapa emang ??
Dar : Jangaaannn . dooh ntar dia marah!
saqy : yaahhh lo ga kongkalikong dulu tadi ama gw ! Penny duluan tadi yg ngasi tau
Penny : Dihh, ko jadi gw sihh ??
Dar : Iyaaa lo berdua dahh
setelah itu ga ada yang berani ngomongin arisan lagi didepan nonni, sampai akhirnya nonni nangis, dan gw pun merasa iba dan memberikan seluruh harta kekayaan hasil arisan gw ke nonni.
dan setelah insiden itu terjadi, nama gw udah ga ada di kocokan. yang ada namanya si nonni. Jadi, kalo besok - besok namanya nonni yang keluar, gw yang dapet arisan . Tapi, nama nonni ternyata ga hoki. buktinya sampe sekarang belom keluar juga. hahahaha.
6. Selama weekend kerjaan gw makan molooo non-stop. B.A.H.A.Y.A !!
hari rakus seduniaa !!
daftar makanan yang tela gw makan dari bangun tidur pagi - pagi tadi sampe sekarang :
2.roti coklat keju satu tangkep
3.susu coklat
4.roti isi eskrim 3 kali makan
5.sarapan pecel
6.stick balado satu bungkus
7.spicy chicken burger McD
8.wafer nissin coklat
9.spon cake
10.eskrim lagi tapi ga pake roti (keabisan)
11.french fries mcD
12.spon cake lagi
hahhh .. weekend sungguh sangat membahayakan !! ckckck
7. Badan gw kaku semua. gara - gara ga pernah olahraga nih kayaknya. Badan gw kakuuu semua, kalo digerakin kayak bunyi , 'ngek - ngek' ato 'kretek.. kretekk'
8. Ralat buat no.7 !! ternyata setelah dipikir - pikir gw rutin olahraga !
tiap senin - kamis gw olahraga mulu tauu. tiap pagi dan sore hari senin - kamis, gw jalan kaki di jembatan busway yang sangat amat panjang di dukuh atas. hh ..
9. Inget - inget busway, gw dibuat gila sama busway
antrinyaaa yaaampuuunnnn ga abis pikir gw! Gw pikir orang - orang uda cukup banyak yang naik mobil pribadi sampe bikin macet gitu, gw pikir uda cukup banyak orang - orang yang naik metro mini, patas ac, keretaato bus kota sampe ada yang bediri diatas - atas kereta, di deket pintu - pintu metromini. Jadi, gw pikir pengguna busway dikit, tapi ternyataaaa, hahhh.. kacau lahh. sampe speechless gw ga bisa mendeskripsikan keadaan busway beserta antriannya. mana kalo uda sore baunya beraneka rupa lagi. hadooh. kalo masi pagi sih mending, baunya satu macem, jelas wangi sabun ato parfum. Nahh, kalo sore - sore gitu ?? BAHH !!
10. at last but not least, I know how they felt.
gw merasakan penderitaan yang sama dengan orang - orang pasuruan yang sampe rela mati buat ngedapetin pembagian zakat. remember those incident ?? zz.. gw ngerasain, gw tau gimana perjuangan mereka buat ngedapetin zakat itu. Bedanya, gw desek - desekkan , gw rebutan buat naik busway, bukan zakat. hhmmhhh.. what a life
dari sepuluh - sepuluhnya itu, gw rasa ga ada yang penting dalam hidup gw, so bisa jadi alasan kenapa gw lebih baik mati aja. hahahaha. meskipun gw punya beberapa alasan kenapa gw lebih baik mati aja, tapi gw punya ber-ratus ratus juta alasan kenapa gw harus hidup! ehehehehehe. So, just enjoy your life. kalo kata cinta laura :'Chill aja lagi' huahauhauhuahuaahahuhh
big love for him nd sweet hug for you guys!
10 reasons why I should die :
1. tugas - tugas yang setiap harinya bukannya berkurang tapi malah semakin bertambah.
hmm, setiap hari adaaa aja tugas. sedihnya, setiap kali selesai satu tugas bukannya lega karena uda hilang satu beban, tapi malah dateng lagi si tugas yang lainnya. hahhh. setelah melalui berbagai pengalaman seperti itu, akhirnya saya dapat menyimpulkan bahwa prinsip dasar dari tugas adalah : 'Gugur Satu Tumbuh Seribu'
2. GW LAGI STRESS . (full stop)
3. dampak stress yang membuat gw ingin belanja dan menghamburkan uang
kalo lagi stress biasanya gw melampiaskannya dengan belanjaaaaa. belanja gila - gilaan . atau, kalo kata lagunya Efek Rumah Kaca itu 'Belanja Terus Sampai Mati'
4. Efeknya bisa merambat sampai ke masalah perekonomian gw.
masalahnya adalahh, gw ga punya duit buat melampiaskan stress gw ini
5. Ga dapet - dapet arisan pula !!
sebenernya sihh seharusnya gw uda dapet arisan. Tapi karena gw merasa iba sama temen gw yang lebih membutuhkannya, jadi gw relain itu uang 300rb pindah tangan.
Begini ceritanya, waktu itu adalah hari kamis pagi hari di ruang kelas DS 305 mata kuliah PIP (Pengantar Ilmu Pendidikan, red). Nahh, setiap hari kamis adalah hari dimana ibu - ibu arisan rajin - rajinnya beribadah dan berdoa kepada Allah swt supaya diberi kemudahan dan kelancaran ekonominya, karena hidup dan matinya perekonomian ibu - ibu itu ditentukan oleh aqua gelas kosong yang di dalamnya terdapat nama - nama ibu - ibu arisan tersebut. setiap kocokannya sangat membuat ibu - ibu arisan itu merasa tegang, lol. yaahhh all in all pokoknya setiap hari kamis itu kita ngocok arisan di kelas. nahh, kebetulan pas hari itu si nonni belom dateng - dateng juga. Karena desakan - desakkan ibu - ibu arisan lain yang udah ga sabar, alhasil kita ninggalin nonni dan ngocok arisan deh. Jeleknya adalaah, yang keluar itu namanya 'NONNI' terus kita semua saling menatap satu sama lain. Dan akhirnya panitia arisan (Dar, Dwie, Depoy) memutuskan untuk mengocok ulang, karena nonni nya ga ada. Setelah pengocokan kedua diikuti dengan doa doa mujarab(ahaha berley ah gw !) keluarlah nama 'SAQY' bhahahahaha gw senengnyaaa minta ampun dahh, tapi masih kurang goceng soalnya si nonni masi ngutang 5000, tapi ga apa lah, ntar gw tagih kalo anaknya dateng. Namun, kesenangan gw itu hanya sesaat, dan semua berakhir ketika si nonni belande datang ditengah - tengah kebahagiaan gw.
dia datang dengan muka kecapeaaann banget. Trus dia duduk di depan gw. terus terjadilah percakapan yang mengenaskan hati.
saqy : (raut muka bahagia) ni, goceng ni goceng ! gw dapet arisan . huahuahauhauhuahuhah
nonni : (masih kecapean sambil kipas - kipas) hahh ?? serius lo ?? iya iya deh ntar
penny : (polos tak berdosa dan dengan santainya) nonni, lo telat sih datengnya, padahal kan tadi nama lo duluan tau yang keluar, tapi lo nya belom dateng sih jadi dikocok ulang deh. trus yang keluar nama saqy deh.
nonni : (kaget dan merasa tambah kepanasan) iyaa ?? kok gitu sihh ?? kok ga nungguin gw dulu sih baru ngocok ??
saqy : yaa lo datengnya telat. kan kesepakatan baru kita kalo di kocok ga ada orangnya, yaa dikocok ulang
sementara itu dibelakang gw
Dar : (nendang nendang kursi gw) qy ..
saqy : yaaa ??
Dar : Begooo~ .. lo bilang - bilang ya ke nonni ??
saqy : iya.. kenapa emang ??
Dar : Jangaaannn . dooh ntar dia marah!
saqy : yaahhh lo ga kongkalikong dulu tadi ama gw ! Penny duluan tadi yg ngasi tau
Penny : Dihh, ko jadi gw sihh ??
Dar : Iyaaa lo berdua dahh
setelah itu ga ada yang berani ngomongin arisan lagi didepan nonni, sampai akhirnya nonni nangis, dan gw pun merasa iba dan memberikan seluruh harta kekayaan hasil arisan gw ke nonni.
dan setelah insiden itu terjadi, nama gw udah ga ada di kocokan. yang ada namanya si nonni. Jadi, kalo besok - besok namanya nonni yang keluar, gw yang dapet arisan . Tapi, nama nonni ternyata ga hoki. buktinya sampe sekarang belom keluar juga. hahahaha.
6. Selama weekend kerjaan gw makan molooo non-stop. B.A.H.A.Y.A !!
hari rakus seduniaa !!
daftar makanan yang tela gw makan dari bangun tidur pagi - pagi tadi sampe sekarang :
2.roti coklat keju satu tangkep
3.susu coklat
4.roti isi eskrim 3 kali makan
5.sarapan pecel
6.stick balado satu bungkus
7.spicy chicken burger McD
8.wafer nissin coklat
9.spon cake
10.eskrim lagi tapi ga pake roti (keabisan)
11.french fries mcD
12.spon cake lagi
hahhh .. weekend sungguh sangat membahayakan !! ckckck
7. Badan gw kaku semua. gara - gara ga pernah olahraga nih kayaknya. Badan gw kakuuu semua, kalo digerakin kayak bunyi , 'ngek - ngek' ato 'kretek.. kretekk'
8. Ralat buat no.7 !! ternyata setelah dipikir - pikir gw rutin olahraga !
tiap senin - kamis gw olahraga mulu tauu. tiap pagi dan sore hari senin - kamis, gw jalan kaki di jembatan busway yang sangat amat panjang di dukuh atas. hh ..
9. Inget - inget busway, gw dibuat gila sama busway
antrinyaaa yaaampuuunnnn ga abis pikir gw! Gw pikir orang - orang uda cukup banyak yang naik mobil pribadi sampe bikin macet gitu, gw pikir uda cukup banyak orang - orang yang naik metro mini, patas ac, keretaato bus kota sampe ada yang bediri diatas - atas kereta, di deket pintu - pintu metromini. Jadi, gw pikir pengguna busway dikit, tapi ternyataaaa, hahhh.. kacau lahh. sampe speechless gw ga bisa mendeskripsikan keadaan busway beserta antriannya. mana kalo uda sore baunya beraneka rupa lagi. hadooh. kalo masi pagi sih mending, baunya satu macem, jelas wangi sabun ato parfum. Nahh, kalo sore - sore gitu ?? BAHH !!
10. at last but not least, I know how they felt.
gw merasakan penderitaan yang sama dengan orang - orang pasuruan yang sampe rela mati buat ngedapetin pembagian zakat. remember those incident ?? zz.. gw ngerasain, gw tau gimana perjuangan mereka buat ngedapetin zakat itu. Bedanya, gw desek - desekkan , gw rebutan buat naik busway, bukan zakat. hhmmhhh.. what a life
dari sepuluh - sepuluhnya itu, gw rasa ga ada yang penting dalam hidup gw, so bisa jadi alasan kenapa gw lebih baik mati aja. hahahaha. meskipun gw punya beberapa alasan kenapa gw lebih baik mati aja, tapi gw punya ber-ratus ratus juta alasan kenapa gw harus hidup! ehehehehehe. So, just enjoy your life. kalo kata cinta laura :'Chill aja lagi' huahauhauhuahuaahahuhh
big love for him nd sweet hug for you guys!
Jumat, 05 Desember 2008
'twilight' movie : may I hav a vegie vampire as mine too ??
Ooomiiiigoosshhh nd I'm officially fall in love with a vampire ! well, no it isn't that horrible, because this vampire is totally CUTE ! even he is a vegetarian vampire ! imagine that ?? yeaa, though it doesn't mean that he eat vegetables, vegetarian in quote it mean .. he's just tryin' hard not to consume human blood but replace it with animal's blood. so, I just found out that the fact is : vegie vampire isn't dangerous to take as a boyfriend. lol.
here is the story, it was on Tuesday, mh, i can't remember the date yet. at that time, friend of mine ( jaman, red) told us (me nd my other friends, red) about the trilogy book of twilight written by Stephenie Meyer. He was just soo exciting about those twilight stuff. So, we felt curious with that too, so we decided to go to the cinemas ASAP, nd prove jaman's recommended film. oh iya, si jaman sama nonni sempet berantem gitu, pas jaman ngomong "twilight" but it sound like he was saying "toilet", nd it makes a little miss-communication there. hahaha.
jaman : (sibuk dengan ocehannya tentang 'twilight' stuff, yg padahal tiap hari kita ngedenger hal yang sama dari dia) blalala blalablablablalalala..
nonni : ah si jaman dari kemaren ngomongin twilight moloo dahh. penasaran gw !
jaman : yuk nonton yuk nonn !! (with his exciting face)
nonni : ajak yang laeenn, males gw kalo berdua lo doang !
jaman : (nengok ke gw nd meqy , nd BELIEVE ME ! he is taking his 'melas' face !, which it was really makes me feel 'males')
saqy : NO WAY !! kemaren gw abis nonton Quantum of Solace ! ga ada duit gw !
meqy : ayo ayo nonton ! kemaren gw juga udah nonton sih, tapi The City of Ember .
jaman : nahh ayooo !!
nonni : ajak yang laeenn, males gw kalo berdua lo doang !
jaman : (nengok ke gw nd meqy , nd BELIEVE ME ! he is taking his 'melas' face !, which it was really makes me feel 'males')
saqy : NO WAY !! kemaren gw abis nonton Quantum of Solace ! ga ada duit gw !
meqy : ayo ayo nonton ! kemaren gw juga udah nonton sih, tapi The City of Ember .
jaman : nahh ayooo !!
meqy : tapi gw maunya Journey to The Center of The Earth! film 3D tuh men !
nonni : wahh, keren juga tuh !
saqy : gw ga bawa dompet
nonni : sekarang lo bawa duit berapa ? ntar gw tambahin goceng dahh
jaman : (ga terima gw mau dibayarin goceng, ehm, maksudnya dia juga pengen minta ditambahin) ihhh, gw juga ga ada duit ! tambahin gw goceng , meq !
meqy : dihh ??
endy : Qy, ade lu pengen ikut tuh katanya! (dengan muka ga enaknya)
jaman : buruuann sebelum si ira minta ikut nonton !!(ira is friend of mine, yang suka dicengin sama anak2. but I know they're only kidding nd just making her as a jokes)
meqy : (muka ga enak dan ketakutan) yuk yuk yuk !!
nonni : wahh, keren juga tuh !
saqy : gw ga bawa dompet
nonni : sekarang lo bawa duit berapa ? ntar gw tambahin goceng dahh
jaman : (ga terima gw mau dibayarin goceng, ehm, maksudnya dia juga pengen minta ditambahin) ihhh, gw juga ga ada duit ! tambahin gw goceng , meq !
meqy : dihh ??
endy : Qy, ade lu pengen ikut tuh katanya! (dengan muka ga enaknya)
jaman : buruuann sebelum si ira minta ikut nonton !!(ira is friend of mine, yang suka dicengin sama anak2. but I know they're only kidding nd just making her as a jokes)
meqy : (muka ga enak dan ketakutan) yuk yuk yuk !!
well, then akhirnya gw tergoda rayuan setan - setan alas kaki ini ! dan ujung-ujungnya gw utang sama si ketua angkatan yang juga counter pulsa berjalan (Faher, red) .what the hell ??!!
akhirnya kita pergi nonton si "twilight" itu naik taksi BLUEBIRD bodoh. tadinya mau naik taksi hijau kepunyaan KOPERASI aja tuh, ehh salah nyegat jadi yang biru dengan tulisan BLUEBIRD GROUP ga ngenakin bacanya. well, in conclusion, it was feel like 'Taksi rasa Dosa' why ?? karena ga satupun dari kita ikhlas dn rela ngeluarin duit buat bayar si taksi bertuliskan BLUEBIRD GROUP itu. damn !
sesampainya di 21 La Piazza di bilangan jakarta timur sana.
ternyata di La Piazza belom ada Journey to the center of the earth. so, I think you could imagine how excited si jaman was. his dream to watch 'twilight' the movie, came true.
ternyata pas beli tiket nonton, kita kena pajak bayar PMI sebersar 1000rupiah. jadi total cost nya Rp. 16000. kita pilih tempat duduk di tengah, yang di sebelah kirinya udah ada satu orang yang nempatin.
endy : (muka licik) jangan jangan yang satu orang itu si ira lagi !
jaman : nah luu. pokonya gw ga mau duduk di pojok kiri itu ah !
then, si jaman nd Endy was going to mushola to get some praying stuff.
alhasil, kita tinggal ber3 ( me, nonni nd meqy). at that time we had a silly stupidos little conversations
meqy : (masang tampang curiga nd sok serius) eh siapa ya yang duduk di paling kiri itu ?? jangan - jangan bneran ira nihh.
saqy : ih iya yaa, jangan - jangan iya lagi. bisa pas gitu ya ?
nonni : iya tuh kan lumayan 5000! seribu - seribu jadi 5000 deh ! wah lumayan tuh !
meqy nd saqy : ?????
nonni : (senyum - senyum innocent face ) bener kan ??
saqy : bahahahahaahaha
meqy : iya iyaa bener, bego yaaa kita saq ??
nonni : iyaaa bego lo pada ga bisa ngitung yaa ??
saqy : ih iya yaa, jangan - jangan iya lagi. bisa pas gitu ya ?
nonni : iya tuh kan lumayan 5000! seribu - seribu jadi 5000 deh ! wah lumayan tuh !
meqy nd saqy : ?????
nonni : (senyum - senyum innocent face ) bener kan ??
saqy : bahahahahaahaha
meqy : iya iyaa bener, bego yaaa kita saq ??
nonni : iyaaa bego lo pada ga bisa ngitung yaa ??
p.s : agak aneh emang itu si nonni akhir2 ini dia suka bermain dengan pikirannya sendiri, dan dengan tiba - tiba, she sout it out without think about it before ! hhh.. then I remember , anak TP (Teknologi Pendidikan, jurusan gw, red) emang aneh - aneh.
eh iya, this is my review about 'Twilight' movie overall :
Kristin Stewart as Bella: An overall good performance. Some of her lines could have been delivered better, but I never saw her as Kristin Stewart, only as Bella. Her voice was a bit deep for my liking at the beginning, but after a while, you get used to it.
Robert Pattinson as Edward : HOTTY STUFF !! Can somebody say hot hot hot? Honestly, he did a fantastic job. Some of his lines could have been delivered better as well, but he really got Edward's sexiness down, along with the whole "I love you I want to kill you." He isn't that HOT in Harry Potter trilogy as Cedric Diggory
okay nd now it's about the special effects :
Speed & Strength: Average. It was nothing great - a lot of the speed was done in slow mo, but I enjoyed it. The vampire baseball game was fun!
Sparkling: Okay, it was cheesy. But let's face it, was there any way to make that look real? It could have been a lot worse than it was.
my favorite scene !
Favorite Scene: The three seconds where they had Bella fantastive about Edward biting her neck. Ooooooomigod. Loved it. XD And the prom scene at the end was really sweet - it changed a lot, but still.
Oh yaa, I do LOVE the vampire baseball games too !! Oh.My.God !! it's just so cool !!
Favorite line: "What a sick, masochistic lion." Rob as Edward delivered it really well.
Favorite Missed Line: Stupid, shiny Volvo owner. Come on, I love that line!
nd my BIG conclusion is : vampire's flirts is definetely different from human's flirts ! It could make all girls in the whole world MELT !! gee.
so just enjoy the movie nd leave me a comment please !
Senin, 24 November 2008
here we go on daksinapati 216 !
kelas jelek kelas bapuk . but I love DS 216 badly !! well, DS 216 itu adalah kelas ter pw seduniaaaa !! hehe. tapi jelek, masa kadang2 ac nya mati dahh. trus jadinya panaaass bgd ! tapi asiknya di kelas ada modem internet gratis ! aww aww I really loves DS 216. hehehe dan dengan bangga gw menobatkan ruang daksinapati 216 adalah kelas dengan pencahayaan ter baik kalo buat foto2 ! hehehe. mantabb !
nd today, this time, dosen2 pada semena-mena semua ! hahh. masa kan gw harusnya ada kelas tuh jam 8. tapi si dosen tuh si Lalan Herlani sedang meLalan buana, ehh meLanglang buana dehh, ke suatu tempat yg gw juga ga tau dimana. hahaha. jelek ah. dan jeleknya lagi, gw ada kelas jam 11, dan si dosennya itu ternyata lagi cuti nikah! WTH ??!!! (ehh, gw ga tau juga sih dy nikah beneran ato ga, itu kata si tabloid berjalan, -red, nurzaman-)
dan buruknya lagi sodara - sodara , satu - satunya kelas yang ada itu jam 3 sore ! jelek banget kann ?? padahal gw tadi berangkat jam 8 pagi dari rumah, uda rapi - rapi gw berangkat, ehh naik ojek semua hancur !! HANCURR MINAAA !! hhh ..
tapi untungnya ada si pelipur lara (baca : ruang daksinapati 216) who would heal this wound . hhahaa. untung ada si modem internet gratis , jadi gw tinggal bawa laptop trus colok colok dehh. hehehehe.
p.s : I would update this blog as soon as possible. trust me. ada banyak hal bodoh yang harus ku ceritakan ! hehehehehe
nd today, this time, dosen2 pada semena-mena semua ! hahh. masa kan gw harusnya ada kelas tuh jam 8. tapi si dosen tuh si Lalan Herlani sedang meLalan buana, ehh meLanglang buana dehh, ke suatu tempat yg gw juga ga tau dimana. hahaha. jelek ah. dan jeleknya lagi, gw ada kelas jam 11, dan si dosennya itu ternyata lagi cuti nikah! WTH ??!!! (ehh, gw ga tau juga sih dy nikah beneran ato ga, itu kata si tabloid berjalan, -red, nurzaman-)
dan buruknya lagi sodara - sodara , satu - satunya kelas yang ada itu jam 3 sore ! jelek banget kann ?? padahal gw tadi berangkat jam 8 pagi dari rumah, uda rapi - rapi gw berangkat, ehh naik ojek semua hancur !! HANCURR MINAAA !! hhh ..
tapi untungnya ada si pelipur lara (baca : ruang daksinapati 216) who would heal this wound . hhahaa. untung ada si modem internet gratis , jadi gw tinggal bawa laptop trus colok colok dehh. hehehehe.
p.s : I would update this blog as soon as possible. trust me. ada banyak hal bodoh yang harus ku ceritakan ! hehehehehe
Jumat, 07 November 2008
UNO fever !
pertama kali main uno itu pas jaman - jaman shs (baca : SMA). waktu sma dulu , I was the stupidest one who played UNO card ! jelek banget dehh gw mainnya ! hehehe.

nd now UNO cards has come exsist again. HA HA HA ! maka kebodohanku dalam bermain uno pun exsist kembali juga.

berawal dari idenya nonni (one of my collegian friends, red) yang abis beli kipas robot gedekk di stan deket FBS (Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, red).
keesokan harinya setelah si nonni pamer - pamer kipas robot gedeknya yang baru dibeli kemaren,
nonni : eh eh eh, main UNO yookkk !!
saqy : (sok bisa dan sok jago main UNO) ayo ayooo !
meqy : wahh ide bagus tuh ! emang ada yang punya ??
nonni : di stan yang kemaren gw beli kipas robot gedekk gw ini , jualan UNO juga lohh
saqy : (tetep sok jago dan still yakin ) ah mahal kan ??
nonni : ngga ! harganya cuma 15ribu rupiah men !
meqy : waww !! ayo ayo beli !
saqy : (ga mau rugi) patungan aja yook ! kan kita maennya bareng-bareng ! biar ga ada yang ngerasa memiliki, tapi milik bersama. ya ga ??
meqy : (ga mau rugi juga kayaknya) setuju setuju !
akhirnya saqy, nonni dan meqy malakkin anak - anak TP 2008 , masing-masing minimal 1000 rupiah buat beli UNO cards. (tapi tetep aja yang nyumbang paling gede si nonni , hahaha)
after that, kita semua main UNO moloooo kerjaaanya ! tiap ada waktu kosong dikiiittt aja, pasti kita main UNO deh ! ckck.
oia, peraturannya juga unik :
1. ga boleh ngomong 'gw- lo' selama permainan berlangsung
2. ga boleh ngomong kata - kata jorok
3. ga boleh ngomong kata - kata kasar
4. ga boleh ngomong kata - kata yang ga sopan
5. kalo ngelanggar yg 4 diatas, mesti nyangkul 2 kartu.
jadii, karena faktor peraturan yang ribet itulah alhasil gw jadi nyangkuul moloooo ! kebiasaan ngomong gw - lo sih niii !!! huuhhhh
konyolnya temen - temen gw pada kreatif banget ! untuk menghindari keluarnya kata - kata dan omongan kasar nan jorok itu, mereka menggunakan bahasa daerah !! ahahaha WTH ??!! sucks banget emang ! ada yang pake bahasa padang, ada yang bahasa jawa-tegal, bahasa sunda, jadi keliatan konyol banget laaah pokoknya ! hhihihi.
soo, let's the UNO battle begin !! yippiieeeeyyy !
beautiful fridaynight :)
umm it's not like 'friday night' that lily allen usually sing on it , which she say that get in the car nd drive to the club , well NO ! I'm not going to any club, nd I also not a Girl on a guest list dressed like a c***, just like lily allen say on her FRIDAY NIGHT song. hello , I'm a good girl , geez !
Yeaa, last night was a beautiful night I ever had. though I'm getting ill now. hehe masuk angin stadium akhir nii. tapi kejadian friday night ini bener-bener jadi obat buat gw. I mean, everytime I remember about the night I just don't care if I am sick now. hehehe.
hmh, jadi pas malem jumat kemaren itu, one of my BEST friends ulang taun. I've told you a lil about him on my previous post --the one that I've been waiting for his calls, remember ??-- I've told you before, He isn't my anything except friend, okay?? I explicit you once again, he is just my BESTY ! but idk, I just feel soo happy when I was with him. It feels like time stops when I'm with him*teehee. no offense if you said that he has driving me crazy!
that night was soo beautiful nd I was so amazed with him. I don't know I don't feel right when he stare at me or even when he smiling at me ! I just feel like, ummm flying ?? yeaa up and high soo high, nd I dont want it to be ends up. ohh puuhhleeaaaasssee what am I talking about ??!!
well we've spent the night together.
we played UNO cards , he done soo many silly things that made me laugh! hmhh, that was really really time stops when I'm with him. BAHH !!
I arrived at home at 10.30 pm, when I was about to go bed, he send me an sms that made me smile. hehehe.
yeaa he isn't anyone except my BESTY ! but thanks for the most beautiful friday night ! I hope he does feel the same then :)
Yeaa, last night was a beautiful night I ever had. though I'm getting ill now. hehe masuk angin stadium akhir nii. tapi kejadian friday night ini bener-bener jadi obat buat gw. I mean, everytime I remember about the night I just don't care if I am sick now. hehehe.
hmh, jadi pas malem jumat kemaren itu, one of my BEST friends ulang taun. I've told you a lil about him on my previous post --the one that I've been waiting for his calls, remember ??-- I've told you before, He isn't my anything except friend, okay?? I explicit you once again, he is just my BESTY ! but idk, I just feel soo happy when I was with him. It feels like time stops when I'm with him*teehee. no offense if you said that he has driving me crazy!
that night was soo beautiful nd I was so amazed with him. I don't know I don't feel right when he stare at me or even when he smiling at me ! I just feel like, ummm flying ?? yeaa up and high soo high, nd I dont want it to be ends up. ohh puuhhleeaaaasssee what am I talking about ??!!
well we've spent the night together.
we played UNO cards , he done soo many silly things that made me laugh! hmhh, that was really really time stops when I'm with him. BAHH !!
I arrived at home at 10.30 pm, when I was about to go bed, he send me an sms that made me smile. hehehe.
yeaa he isn't anyone except my BESTY ! but thanks for the most beautiful friday night ! I hope he does feel the same then :)
Rabu, 05 November 2008
supercamp or photocamp ??
I'm not about in the mood of writing now. I'm apologize to you all guys .
I prefer put a picture here than writing right now. Well, I mean, I'm seriously, totally not in the mood of those writing stuff. so please just forgive me and look at these pics that had taken 3days ago at Cileumber, Bogor when I'm having a supercamp event with my collegian friends. sorry again not tell you more about supercamp ! next time I PROMISE !!

so is it a supercamp or a photo camp ??
I prefer put a picture here than writing right now. Well, I mean, I'm seriously, totally not in the mood of those writing stuff. so please just forgive me and look at these pics that had taken 3days ago at Cileumber, Bogor when I'm having a supercamp event with my collegian friends. sorry again not tell you more about supercamp ! next time I PROMISE !!
so is it a supercamp or a photo camp ??
Selasa, 04 November 2008
not sleep yet
hmm I thought I'd be sleep after I take a bath, but err ummmmhh , well now I'm waiting for a phone call. from whom ?? yaa ya yaaa it's from a boy --but he isn't much more precious than a friend-- . tapi ga tau kenapa gw nungguin telponnya, though I can tell him if I am sleepy or tired, so he can't disturb me this night. but yaa ya yeaa , you know what ?? I DON'T DO THAT !! oh ! what's worng with me huh ??
nothings wrong . I guess . nd I wish .
it's been 30minutes I've been waiting from his calls. but there's nothing. well, an hour ago he told me that he would call me. yaa, but helloo ?? where does he goo ?? huhh.
hahh uda dehh tinggalin tidur aja .
I'm still hoping for his calls.
manaaaa ??
--nyanyi dulu aahhh--
eh tau lagunya jason mraz ga ?? hehe I'm on jason mraz's fever yeeaaa !
I'm singing on that song now yeaa.
Lyrics | Jason Mraz - I'm Yours lyrics
ps : click there if you want to sing along with me. hehe
hey hey !! there he goes !! yippiiiieeyy !! hahaha . say hello from saqy yoo. hahaha. tau iklan itu gaaa ??
hyahahaha I'm happy happy yooo. lahh ?? ko malah happy ?? curigaa ni gw curigaaa.
nothings wrong . I guess . nd I wish .
it's been 30minutes I've been waiting from his calls. but there's nothing. well, an hour ago he told me that he would call me. yaa, but helloo ?? where does he goo ?? huhh.
hahh uda dehh tinggalin tidur aja .
I'm still hoping for his calls.
manaaaa ??
--nyanyi dulu aahhh--
eh tau lagunya jason mraz ga ?? hehe I'm on jason mraz's fever yeeaaa !
I'm singing on that song now yeaa.
Lyrics | Jason Mraz - I'm Yours lyrics
ps : click there if you want to sing along with me. hehe
hey hey !! there he goes !! yippiiiieeyy !! hahaha . say hello from saqy yoo. hahaha. tau iklan itu gaaa ??
hyahahaha I'm happy happy yooo. lahh ?? ko malah happy ?? curigaa ni gw curigaaa.
I'm a windy person
lagi ga mood nulis.
kapan yaa ada waktu seharian kosong buat nge-blog lagi ??
akhir - akhir ini pulang maleeemmm terus! from am to pm nii. hebatnya anak mama yg satu ini. nd it makes me have no time to updating my blog. I'm sorry blog to left you cold for a while, but I promise I'll go blogging again after I get my mood back , well asap (as soon as possible, red).
I have sooo many many things to tell you!! but yeaa, I just feel so tired to write it now, nd I think I'm going to die after I post this blog, lol.
hoaaahhhmm, I have to go bathing now. Just FYI, I just arrived at home just a few minutes ago, nd now I'm going to take a bath and take a rest. good nite blog, good nite everyone. have a sleep tight everyone. loves you all. mmuuaaaaahhhh
kapan yaa ada waktu seharian kosong buat nge-blog lagi ??
akhir - akhir ini pulang maleeemmm terus! from am to pm nii. hebatnya anak mama yg satu ini. nd it makes me have no time to updating my blog. I'm sorry blog to left you cold for a while, but I promise I'll go blogging again after I get my mood back , well asap (as soon as possible, red).
I have sooo many many things to tell you!! but yeaa, I just feel so tired to write it now, nd I think I'm going to die after I post this blog, lol.
hoaaahhhmm, I have to go bathing now. Just FYI, I just arrived at home just a few minutes ago, nd now I'm going to take a bath and take a rest. good nite blog, good nite everyone. have a sleep tight everyone. loves you all. mmuuaaaaahhhh
Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2008
hey, I'm getting enjoy with the 'war' that I've been sick at first !
hoaahh! it's such a tiring weekend. Lucky me, I still had this day to get some rest and preparing either myself or my energy for the next war tommorow. yeaa the word 'war' had it's own meaning for me, lol. most every day in a week I spent a lot of my time for these war. I must struggle hard to compete the crowd of the metromini bus, blok M's busway shelter, and at last but not least, Dukuh atas's busway shelter, oh yea and of course when I get in the trans jakarta bus. whooaaa, it's been a long and hard way for me to reach my campus. oh , have i ever mentioned? err, i'm an undergraduate student majoring in instructional curriculum and technology of education at State University of Jakarta, which is located in Rawamangun- East Jakarta. nd the place where I used to live is in Bintaro - Tangerang, umm it's an outskirts of South Jakarta, hehe. Soo here are my route of my everyday and everlast trip, lol! :
First step
say hello to Mr. Sapri ! My super hero ! hahahaha . Well, he was just soo heroic for me because of his kindness to take me from my house to pasar bintaro-where I can meet the metromini bus-, even he is an important figure in our village, he had his duty as 'Ketua RW' ! hahaha. thank you Pak Haji Sapri !
2nd step
okay, the first war has just begin in this step. I take the metromini S.71 bus which would get me through Blok M. I had a "fight" with the others passangers. haha, well it's a fight to get the seat. soo silly !
but when I get the seat, I usually fall asleep in the bus. *tee
3rd step
right after I get out of the metromini bus, my rivals is increase steadily. On a queue we had a BIG fight to get on the first queue for the ticket. and the worse war happened in transjakarta bus queue . GOSH !! EVERYONE JUST BEING SOO WILD !! theye're starting to hurting and pushing each other just to get on the bus ! gee , hellooo guys, I'm on those war too . hehe , but I'm not the one who did those violence, of course.
4th step
when the bus arrived at dukuh atas shelter, I get out of the bus and walk through the bridge , which is about ummm 1 or 2 km. and get ready for the next queue war. haha. disini antriannya lebih parah ! bisa sampe ke jembatan penyebrangannya loh ! whoaaa.
and finally I arrived at UNJ shelter. hehe
oh iya !! there were a lotsa of crazy moment happened in transjakarta busway .
waktu itu lagi naik busway koridor 4 mau ke kampus sama temen-temen, their name was Dar and Deffi ( weww they're my team on busway fever! haha) At that time, the bus was on the way to manggarai shelter, and then a woman, -umm kira-kira masi kepala 2 lah umurnya- get in the same bus a us. Karena ga ada tempat duduk yang kosong dan bus ini juga uda agak crowded, jadinya dia celiangak - celinguk nyari tempat duduk, tapi harapannya pupus karena ga ada yang kosong , jadi dengan muka bete dya berdiri aja, nah pas dya mau megang pegangan yang di atas - atas itu, dia ngangkat tangannya dan JENG JENG JENG !! we had a surprised from that woman !! she had a beautiful curly and dense of ARMPIT HAIR !! ohhh nooooo !!! that was just sooo disgusted us !! hyahahaha .
gee , how could she feel comfort with those dense - I'm not lying to you ! it was soo dense or heavy !! oh idk , I just feel so disgust!- armpit hair !! GOSH !!
oh yea, here is the picture . this is the crowd of transjakarta:
First step
say hello to Mr. Sapri ! My super hero ! hahahaha . Well, he was just soo heroic for me because of his kindness to take me from my house to pasar bintaro-where I can meet the metromini bus-, even he is an important figure in our village, he had his duty as 'Ketua RW' ! hahaha. thank you Pak Haji Sapri !
2nd step
okay, the first war has just begin in this step. I take the metromini S.71 bus which would get me through Blok M. I had a "fight" with the others passangers. haha, well it's a fight to get the seat. soo silly !
but when I get the seat, I usually fall asleep in the bus. *tee
3rd step
right after I get out of the metromini bus, my rivals is increase steadily. On a queue we had a BIG fight to get on the first queue for the ticket. and the worse war happened in transjakarta bus queue . GOSH !! EVERYONE JUST BEING SOO WILD !! theye're starting to hurting and pushing each other just to get on the bus ! gee , hellooo guys, I'm on those war too . hehe , but I'm not the one who did those violence, of course.
4th step
when the bus arrived at dukuh atas shelter, I get out of the bus and walk through the bridge , which is about ummm 1 or 2 km. and get ready for the next queue war. haha. disini antriannya lebih parah ! bisa sampe ke jembatan penyebrangannya loh ! whoaaa.
and finally I arrived at UNJ shelter. hehe
oh iya !! there were a lotsa of crazy moment happened in transjakarta busway .
waktu itu lagi naik busway koridor 4 mau ke kampus sama temen-temen, their name was Dar and Deffi ( weww they're my team on busway fever! haha) At that time, the bus was on the way to manggarai shelter, and then a woman, -umm kira-kira masi kepala 2 lah umurnya- get in the same bus a us. Karena ga ada tempat duduk yang kosong dan bus ini juga uda agak crowded, jadinya dia celiangak - celinguk nyari tempat duduk, tapi harapannya pupus karena ga ada yang kosong , jadi dengan muka bete dya berdiri aja, nah pas dya mau megang pegangan yang di atas - atas itu, dia ngangkat tangannya dan JENG JENG JENG !! we had a surprised from that woman !! she had a beautiful curly and dense of ARMPIT HAIR !! ohhh nooooo !!! that was just sooo disgusted us !! hyahahaha .
gee , how could she feel comfort with those dense - I'm not lying to you ! it was soo dense or heavy !! oh idk , I just feel so disgust!- armpit hair !! GOSH !!
oh yea, here is the picture . this is the crowd of transjakarta:
p.s : bus ini ga terlalu penuh , biasanya malah lebih penuh dari ini. makanya ini bisa foto-foro . haha
p.p.s : sorry I can't upload the pics of those armpit hair woman .*teehee . takut di ketekin ah nanti sama mbak-mbak nya kalo ketawan lagi foto keteknya . hahahahha. sorry mbak !
and there were soo many silly stupidos things happened when I was on the way to campus. Well, at first time I feel so sick livin of this hard trip. but now, I think I've got the rhythm of these war , lol! I just could get thee feel now. hehehehe
ps : did you know the tv program called 'hole in the wall' ?? . haha sometimes when the crowd was just soo full , I could act like that. but the difference is, I was hitting the window, not a wall. so I'm sticking on the wall just like a small house lizard. lol!Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008
hotty hot jakarta !
zz jakarta is getting worse everyday. hoaaahhh. panaaasss banget sih jakartaa ?? sekalinya ujan bikin banjir, hyaaahhh serbasalahdehhhhhh. tapi mendingan musim ujan deh, hehehe
missing the way of happiness
this innocence is brilliance I hope that it will stay, this moment is perfect please don't go away, I need you now .. nd I hold onto it, don't you let it pass you by .. ( innocence - Avril Lavigne )
*these recent days , I always listen to this song, all day, when ever and where ever I am , I always singing this song. This song could give the best describe how I feel recently. and I know why I love this song , because I do missing the way of happiness , I do missing the way of Avril Lavigne has told me in this song ..
but unfortunately , that moment has gone. those happiness never come back to me again since we both -well, it was me- decided to went our own way. It doesn't mean that I regret all this stuff, no I never regret it ! but I just feel like, umm all my planning, all I ever thought before I decide to leave him , was all get me a ZERO result , I mean it doesn't work !!
I got nothing except some feelings of yellow-mellow-fellow-slow nd I hate being in this situation !! hahh.. why it should be happened to me ??
whoaaaa I miss him a lot lot lotsaa !! does he feel the same way to me ?? the moments I ever shared with him was soo beautiful nd makes me wanna cry .
But I could handle it , I could deal with this pain. nd I'm doing good so far - maybe. hhaha yea, as long as I hav a good time with my friends . hehehe. gosh ! my friends was just sooo great to me !! mmuuaahhh I love you friends !. but the love that they give wasn't the same as the love that he give to me. hhuhu..
Sometimes , I wondered , how if he had found someone else to shared ?? umm , I mean 'new' one ?? , what would I do ?? should I looking for a 'new' one too ?? , aaagh ! sometimes those stupidos idea come to my mind and bothering me . YEAAAA if its really really happen to him , I mean, he finds another 'new' one to share, all I have to do just go ahead and smile !!. Life must go on , whether he is care about me or not !! just face it with my cute silly grin . lol !
heyy saqy ! just look outside there ! there are a lotsa stock that you could get . hahaha .*tryin to cheer up myself !
nihh simak baik baik yaa lirik lagunya avril yang ini . well, if you were in such a happy or beautiful situation, pasti ngena banget deh . check this
(innocence - avril lavigne)
Waking up I see that everything is ok
The first time in my life and now it's so great
Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed
I think about the little things that make life great
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling
This innocence is brilliant
I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect
Please don't go away
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you by
I found a place so safe, not a single tear
The first time in my life and now it's so clear
Feel calm, I belong, I'm so happy here
It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling
It's a state of bliss, you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
It's a state of bliss, you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cryIt's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
This innocence is brilliant,
It Makes you want to cry
This innocence is brilliance
Please don't go awayCause
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it,
Don't you let it pass you by
but I've made him let it pass him by
once again I explicit you that , I DON'T EVER REGRET IT ! *i wish ..
*these recent days , I always listen to this song, all day, when ever and where ever I am , I always singing this song. This song could give the best describe how I feel recently. and I know why I love this song , because I do missing the way of happiness , I do missing the way of Avril Lavigne has told me in this song ..
but unfortunately , that moment has gone. those happiness never come back to me again since we both -well, it was me- decided to went our own way. It doesn't mean that I regret all this stuff, no I never regret it ! but I just feel like, umm all my planning, all I ever thought before I decide to leave him , was all get me a ZERO result , I mean it doesn't work !!
I got nothing except some feelings of yellow-mellow-fellow-slow nd I hate being in this situation !! hahh.. why it should be happened to me ??
whoaaaa I miss him a lot lot lotsaa !! does he feel the same way to me ?? the moments I ever shared with him was soo beautiful nd makes me wanna cry .
But I could handle it , I could deal with this pain. nd I'm doing good so far - maybe. hhaha yea, as long as I hav a good time with my friends . hehehe. gosh ! my friends was just sooo great to me !! mmuuaahhh I love you friends !. but the love that they give wasn't the same as the love that he give to me. hhuhu..
Sometimes , I wondered , how if he had found someone else to shared ?? umm , I mean 'new' one ?? , what would I do ?? should I looking for a 'new' one too ?? , aaagh ! sometimes those stupidos idea come to my mind and bothering me . YEAAAA if its really really happen to him , I mean, he finds another 'new' one to share, all I have to do just go ahead and smile !!. Life must go on , whether he is care about me or not !! just face it with my cute silly grin . lol !
heyy saqy ! just look outside there ! there are a lotsa stock that you could get . hahaha .*tryin to cheer up myself !
nihh simak baik baik yaa lirik lagunya avril yang ini . well, if you were in such a happy or beautiful situation, pasti ngena banget deh . check this
(innocence - avril lavigne)
Waking up I see that everything is ok
The first time in my life and now it's so great
Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed
I think about the little things that make life great
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling
This innocence is brilliant
I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect
Please don't go away
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you by
I found a place so safe, not a single tear
The first time in my life and now it's so clear
Feel calm, I belong, I'm so happy here
It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling
It's a state of bliss, you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
It's a state of bliss, you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cryIt's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
This innocence is brilliant,
It Makes you want to cry
This innocence is brilliance
Please don't go awayCause
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it,
Don't you let it pass you by
but I've made him let it pass him by
once again I explicit you that , I DON'T EVER REGRET IT ! *i wish ..
Senin, 20 Oktober 2008
me vs wheelchair
it was on 7th oct 2008.
that night I arrived at home late, maybe it was about 7 or 8 pm. At that time there was so many children in my house,-umm, my home is an open house, especially for children who want to read books-, but no longer after I arrived, my parents went to having 'silaturahmi' with our neighbors, they asked me if I wanted to go with them or not, err I was so tired so I refused it. Then, I was at home with those children ( I just know that my mom was ask them to accompany me. hhihi , thanks mom : ) !) . But I feel so tired nd I felt pain on my legs, both of them, nd all I wanted to do just got on the bed, nd slept! I didn't have any mood to play ar share or having time with them, I just missed my bed nd pillow , let me took a rest please, kids !. 30minutes later, they told me they wanted to go home, I was just sooo happy! like "whoaaa finally they're gone ! haha' but at the other hand, my legs was very very annoying ! it hurt soo much ! So, after those kids gone, I locked the door nd I walked in hurry to my bed room. I turned on the AC, took my blanket nd having a slept tight, oh yea I almost forgot, I called my Dad to told him that If I'm asleep nd he just arrived at home, just called me and I'll woke up and open the door for them. Gee, but my Dad didn't give me any answers !! hahh.. when I wanted to change my position -umm, I mean , I wanted to hug my pillow- SUDDENLY, I COULDN'T FEEL MY LEGS MOVING !! gee , I didn't hav any idea how to do with it. I wanted to cried, but would anything change if I cried ?? so, I was trying to called my Dad again, but AGAIN, there were no answers !. zz then all I did just praying nd entrust this matter to God . I was trying to moved my legs again, well it work, it did move, but I JUST DIDN'T FELT THAT MY LEGS WERE MOVING zz.
not long after that, my parents came home. hoaahh, I couldn't open the door for them, nd they couldn't get in too because I've locked it! so , I was shouting to my Mom
saqy : "Maaaa, kaki aku saakiiiittt . ga bisa geraaak !!"
mama : "Haaahhh ?? Apa sakit ??"
saqy : "Kakii akuuu !!"
nd then My mom got me on my room window
saqy : ma, kaki ku sakit mati rasa ga bisa bergerak.
mama : laahhh ?? kok bisa ?? trus mama masuk lewat mana ??
saqy : gak tauu
mama : yaudah, bukain jendelanya
saqy (bukain jendela)
mama (masuk lewat jendela -zz,ada naluri spiderman nih nyokap- hhihi)
ga lama setelah itu, nykp mungkin panik kali ya, tapi gw sih calm down aja, abis dulu juga pernah kayak gini, I couldn't felt my legs waktu jaman SD. Akhirnya gw dibawa ke rumah sakit (RSIB ,red). digendong bokap naik mobil. hhihihi uda lama ga digendong ! yaaa tuhaaann kaki lagi sakit sempet-sempetnya mikir begitu !
sampe dirumah sakit, bertemulah aku dengan si 'wheelchair' hhehehe. and then, I jumped to that thing. dari dulu pengeeeennn banget naik kursi roda, tapi ga pernah kesampean.
nyampe rumah sakit jam 10, ehh I hav chance to met the doctor at 00.00 !! zz imagine that ?? I'm a patiently patient. hhihihi
eh iya, my mom hold my legs at that time, and you know what ?? she got vomited . zz brarti dahsyat juga tuh penyakit kaki gw. hiiiihhh
ketemu dokter, kaki gw disuntik ! whoaaa I thought the doctor was pshyco ! gee ! he looks smiling when I had to injured ! noooooo !!!!!!
eh ya, trus gw di rontgen juga, disuruh ganti baju. sempet bingung , ini gw buka baju semuanya apa ga yaa ?? tapi malu ah kalo dibuka semua . bahahaha geblek amatt dah ! noraaakk dasar saqy !
sekarang gw kangen sama itu kursi roda. pengen jalan - jalan di RS pake kursiroda lagii. tapi ga mau sakit lagi kakinya. hhehhehehe.
Ooohhh wheelchair I miss youu !! mmuuuaaahhh . lol !
ps : sanking senengnya gw naik kursi roda, jadinya bw berasa uda jago gitu jalan-jalan kesana kemari keliling RSIB naik kursi roda ga pake didorongin bokap. bangga gw ! hahahahaha.
that night I arrived at home late, maybe it was about 7 or 8 pm. At that time there was so many children in my house,-umm, my home is an open house, especially for children who want to read books-, but no longer after I arrived, my parents went to having 'silaturahmi' with our neighbors, they asked me if I wanted to go with them or not, err I was so tired so I refused it. Then, I was at home with those children ( I just know that my mom was ask them to accompany me. hhihi , thanks mom : ) !) . But I feel so tired nd I felt pain on my legs, both of them, nd all I wanted to do just got on the bed, nd slept! I didn't have any mood to play ar share or having time with them, I just missed my bed nd pillow , let me took a rest please, kids !. 30minutes later, they told me they wanted to go home, I was just sooo happy! like "whoaaa finally they're gone ! haha' but at the other hand, my legs was very very annoying ! it hurt soo much ! So, after those kids gone, I locked the door nd I walked in hurry to my bed room. I turned on the AC, took my blanket nd having a slept tight, oh yea I almost forgot, I called my Dad to told him that If I'm asleep nd he just arrived at home, just called me and I'll woke up and open the door for them. Gee, but my Dad didn't give me any answers !! hahh.. when I wanted to change my position -umm, I mean , I wanted to hug my pillow- SUDDENLY, I COULDN'T FEEL MY LEGS MOVING !! gee , I didn't hav any idea how to do with it. I wanted to cried, but would anything change if I cried ?? so, I was trying to called my Dad again, but AGAIN, there were no answers !. zz then all I did just praying nd entrust this matter to God . I was trying to moved my legs again, well it work, it did move, but I JUST DIDN'T FELT THAT MY LEGS WERE MOVING zz.
not long after that, my parents came home. hoaahh, I couldn't open the door for them, nd they couldn't get in too because I've locked it! so , I was shouting to my Mom
saqy : "Maaaa, kaki aku saakiiiittt . ga bisa geraaak !!"
mama : "Haaahhh ?? Apa sakit ??"
saqy : "Kakii akuuu !!"
nd then My mom got me on my room window
saqy : ma, kaki ku sakit mati rasa ga bisa bergerak.
mama : laahhh ?? kok bisa ?? trus mama masuk lewat mana ??
saqy : gak tauu
mama : yaudah, bukain jendelanya
saqy (bukain jendela)
mama (masuk lewat jendela -zz,ada naluri spiderman nih nyokap- hhihi)
ga lama setelah itu, nykp mungkin panik kali ya, tapi gw sih calm down aja, abis dulu juga pernah kayak gini, I couldn't felt my legs waktu jaman SD. Akhirnya gw dibawa ke rumah sakit (RSIB ,red). digendong bokap naik mobil. hhihihi uda lama ga digendong ! yaaa tuhaaann kaki lagi sakit sempet-sempetnya mikir begitu !
sampe dirumah sakit, bertemulah aku dengan si 'wheelchair' hhehehe. and then, I jumped to that thing. dari dulu pengeeeennn banget naik kursi roda, tapi ga pernah kesampean.
nyampe rumah sakit jam 10, ehh I hav chance to met the doctor at 00.00 !! zz imagine that ?? I'm a patiently patient. hhihihi
eh iya, my mom hold my legs at that time, and you know what ?? she got vomited . zz brarti dahsyat juga tuh penyakit kaki gw. hiiiihhh
ketemu dokter, kaki gw disuntik ! whoaaa I thought the doctor was pshyco ! gee ! he looks smiling when I had to injured ! noooooo !!!!!!
eh ya, trus gw di rontgen juga, disuruh ganti baju. sempet bingung , ini gw buka baju semuanya apa ga yaa ?? tapi malu ah kalo dibuka semua . bahahaha geblek amatt dah ! noraaakk dasar saqy !
sekarang gw kangen sama itu kursi roda. pengen jalan - jalan di RS pake kursiroda lagii. tapi ga mau sakit lagi kakinya. hhehhehehe.
Ooohhh wheelchair I miss youu !! mmuuuaaahhh . lol !
ps : sanking senengnya gw naik kursi roda, jadinya bw berasa uda jago gitu jalan-jalan kesana kemari keliling RSIB naik kursi roda ga pake didorongin bokap. bangga gw ! hahahahaha.
Minggu, 19 Oktober 2008
mom, i'm on tv ! yippieey = ]
i feel sooo tired fully tired today. I woke up it was 7.30 am nd when I opened my eyes, everyone was sooo busy with their stuff. nd me ?? so did I, I was busy with my stuff too - it was bed, pillow nd blanket- *teehee. I was tryin' hard to get myself up. hooaaahhmm,, but it was too heavy. So I was making myself forming a BIG star. I stared the ceilling, it was white soo white like a baby's heart, -white and no spot of dirt-, then my eyes took a walk through the corner of those ceilling, there was a spider web. huhh soo annoying. Finally, I forced myself to get up and I took a broom to clean those annoying spider web. at that time, I was wondering "well, what kind of broom could remove a spider web in my heart ??" . haha I felt silly at that time, but now, I'm thinking on it again. yeaa, what kind of broom could make our heart clean again ?? no one knows. Well, maybe it was , umm an apologize statement ?? is that enough ?? errr no one knows. but at least, we've tryin to remove it.
oh yea, yesterday I was having a workshop on metro tv.
haha seru deh. dari pagi sebelum berangkat aja uda seru banget , apalagi pas berangkatnya.
well, it started at Saturday morning , 18 oct 08 . I woke up at 5.30 am. at that time, I received a sms from my classmate, nonni. she was inviting me for hundred times to participate 'demo crazy' show on metro tv, but last night I was refusing her. soo, at that morning, she asked me once again, and it made me think harder. haha. I asked my mom nd dad
me : ma, aku ikut ga ya ke demo crazy ??
bokap : ya ampun dari kemaren. Udah ikut aja !
nyokap : iya udah sana ikut.
me : ck, bosen ga ya ntar ??
nyokap : ngga ! udah sana ikut, dan BERTANYA yaa !
me ( talking to myself ) : huhh ?? please deh mom, pengen banget anaknya eksis ! haha
bokap : emang jam berapa ?
me : janjian di dukuh atas jam 9 sih
nyokap : hahh ? yauda sana cepet mandi ! prepare yourself !
me : ikut nih jadinya ??
nyokap : iyaaaa
me : anterin sampe dukuh atas yaa ??
nyokap : no way !! sampe trans bintaro aja.
zz tambah males aja gw, begitu denger naik transbintaro. yaa jelas telat lah maaam !
then I took a bath, yeaa duck bathing,-mandi bebek-, lol. 5menit selesai. hehehe.
I feel ready to went out, nd still persuade my mom to took me til dukuh atas busway shelter.
but SHE IS HARD TO PERSUADE, sooo tetep aja cuma dianter sampe trans bintaro. Well, she asked me in two choices, transbintaro or right away to campus. Err, I almost pick the second choices, but , umm I've made a promise to nonni to met at dukuh atas. soo, I said "well, okay, transbintaro".
ehehe but when I knew who took the ride was my Dad, soo, I persuade him to took me until I get on the metro mini,-it called S.74 , serving rempoa through blok m-, hihihi. Finally , My Dad took me til Tanah Kusir nd I get on S.74 bus, so that I didn't have to having traffic jam ! yiippieeyy !! thanks dad !(ehm, organon macet banget soalnya, jadi bokap gw lewat tol sampe tanah kusir deh, jadi gw ga kena macet . asikasik!)
when I arrived at campus , my senior had me a BAD NEWS. you know what ?? the show was start at 15.00 !! padahal tuh gw nyampe kampus jam 10 ! gilaaaa , mau ngapain dulu gw di kampus ?? tau gini gw ke ancol aja dehh nonton peewee gaskins ! haha.
but then , ternyata senior gw punya alasan bagus , she said "biar kita dapet makan siang, jadinya kita berangkatnya jam 11 aja, oke ??" . hahaha licik juga dia. lol !
jam 11 kita berangkat dari kampus.
sampe di metro tv, we CAN NOT hide our narcissism !! foto2 lah kita di metro tv , sampe sama karpet yang ada foto si lambang metro tv itu ikut2 difoto. ckck. maklum dehh, banyak perantau. haha.

the shooting was started at 17.00 !! imagine that , huh ?? we've been waiting for ,umm 2hours ! yacks, pas shooting mulai , tampang uda pada kusut, ngantuk , setengah sadar. haha. dan sialnyaaa , mas-mas yg tukang ngatur itu nunjuk gw buat duduk di depan !! on stage !! GOSH !! gw kutuk tuh mas-mas jadi kodok ! lol. dan si mas-mas itu bilang gini dengan santainya "Ade-ade semua, tau ngga saya taro sini kenapa ?? soalnya kalian ini ntar jadi background, apalagi KAMU ,kamu dan kamu(pointing at me and 3 persons besides me), pasti bakal sering kesorot, soalnya kamu ada di belakang MC nya, center of attention. JADI, KAMU HARUS SENYUM ,oke ??"
jadinyaaa, selama shooting berlangsung, yang ada muka gw ga enak banget ! ngantuk ngatuk gimanaaa gitu ! stengah sadar, senyum maksa ! haha.
well watch me tonite on metro tv at 21.05 . zz but just don't laugh it loud !!
oh yea, yesterday I was having a workshop on metro tv.
haha seru deh. dari pagi sebelum berangkat aja uda seru banget , apalagi pas berangkatnya.
well, it started at Saturday morning , 18 oct 08 . I woke up at 5.30 am. at that time, I received a sms from my classmate, nonni. she was inviting me for hundred times to participate 'demo crazy' show on metro tv, but last night I was refusing her. soo, at that morning, she asked me once again, and it made me think harder. haha. I asked my mom nd dad
me : ma, aku ikut ga ya ke demo crazy ??
bokap : ya ampun dari kemaren. Udah ikut aja !
nyokap : iya udah sana ikut.
me : ck, bosen ga ya ntar ??
nyokap : ngga ! udah sana ikut, dan BERTANYA yaa !
me ( talking to myself ) : huhh ?? please deh mom, pengen banget anaknya eksis ! haha
bokap : emang jam berapa ?
me : janjian di dukuh atas jam 9 sih
nyokap : hahh ? yauda sana cepet mandi ! prepare yourself !
me : ikut nih jadinya ??
nyokap : iyaaaa
me : anterin sampe dukuh atas yaa ??
nyokap : no way !! sampe trans bintaro aja.
zz tambah males aja gw, begitu denger naik transbintaro. yaa jelas telat lah maaam !
then I took a bath, yeaa duck bathing,-mandi bebek-, lol. 5menit selesai. hehehe.
I feel ready to went out, nd still persuade my mom to took me til dukuh atas busway shelter.
but SHE IS HARD TO PERSUADE, sooo tetep aja cuma dianter sampe trans bintaro. Well, she asked me in two choices, transbintaro or right away to campus. Err, I almost pick the second choices, but , umm I've made a promise to nonni to met at dukuh atas. soo, I said "well, okay, transbintaro".
ehehe but when I knew who took the ride was my Dad, soo, I persuade him to took me until I get on the metro mini,-it called S.74 , serving rempoa through blok m-, hihihi. Finally , My Dad took me til Tanah Kusir nd I get on S.74 bus, so that I didn't have to having traffic jam ! yiippieeyy !! thanks dad !(ehm, organon macet banget soalnya, jadi bokap gw lewat tol sampe tanah kusir deh, jadi gw ga kena macet . asikasik!)
when I arrived at campus , my senior had me a BAD NEWS. you know what ?? the show was start at 15.00 !! padahal tuh gw nyampe kampus jam 10 ! gilaaaa , mau ngapain dulu gw di kampus ?? tau gini gw ke ancol aja dehh nonton peewee gaskins ! haha.
but then , ternyata senior gw punya alasan bagus , she said "biar kita dapet makan siang, jadinya kita berangkatnya jam 11 aja, oke ??" . hahaha licik juga dia. lol !
jam 11 kita berangkat dari kampus.
sampe di metro tv, we CAN NOT hide our narcissism !! foto2 lah kita di metro tv , sampe sama karpet yang ada foto si lambang metro tv itu ikut2 difoto. ckck. maklum dehh, banyak perantau. haha.
here are the photos xp !
the shooting was started at 17.00 !! imagine that , huh ?? we've been waiting for ,umm 2hours ! yacks, pas shooting mulai , tampang uda pada kusut, ngantuk , setengah sadar. haha. dan sialnyaaa , mas-mas yg tukang ngatur itu nunjuk gw buat duduk di depan !! on stage !! GOSH !! gw kutuk tuh mas-mas jadi kodok ! lol. dan si mas-mas itu bilang gini dengan santainya "Ade-ade semua, tau ngga saya taro sini kenapa ?? soalnya kalian ini ntar jadi background, apalagi KAMU ,kamu dan kamu(pointing at me and 3 persons besides me), pasti bakal sering kesorot, soalnya kamu ada di belakang MC nya, center of attention. JADI, KAMU HARUS SENYUM ,oke ??"
jadinyaaa, selama shooting berlangsung, yang ada muka gw ga enak banget ! ngantuk ngatuk gimanaaa gitu ! stengah sadar, senyum maksa ! haha.
well watch me tonite on metro tv at 21.05 . zz but just don't laugh it loud !!
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