kelas jelek kelas bapuk . but I love DS 216 badly !! well, DS 216 itu adalah kelas ter pw seduniaaaa !! hehe. tapi jelek, masa kadang2 ac nya mati dahh. trus jadinya panaaass bgd ! tapi asiknya di kelas ada modem internet gratis ! aww aww I really loves DS 216. hehehe dan dengan bangga gw menobatkan ruang daksinapati 216 adalah kelas dengan pencahayaan ter baik kalo buat foto2 ! hehehe. mantabb !
nd today, this time, dosen2 pada semena-mena semua ! hahh. masa kan gw harusnya ada kelas tuh jam 8. tapi si dosen tuh si Lalan Herlani sedang meLalan buana, ehh meLanglang buana dehh, ke suatu tempat yg gw juga ga tau dimana. hahaha. jelek ah. dan jeleknya lagi, gw ada kelas jam 11, dan si dosennya itu ternyata lagi cuti nikah! WTH ??!!! (ehh, gw ga tau juga sih dy nikah beneran ato ga, itu kata si tabloid berjalan, -red, nurzaman-)
dan buruknya lagi sodara - sodara , satu - satunya kelas yang ada itu jam 3 sore ! jelek banget kann ?? padahal gw tadi berangkat jam 8 pagi dari rumah, uda rapi - rapi gw berangkat, ehh naik ojek semua hancur !! HANCURR MINAAA !! hhh ..
tapi untungnya ada si pelipur lara (baca : ruang daksinapati 216) who would heal this wound . hhahaa. untung ada si modem internet gratis , jadi gw tinggal bawa laptop trus colok colok dehh. hehehehe.
p.s : I would update this blog as soon as possible. trust me. ada banyak hal bodoh yang harus ku ceritakan ! hehehehehe
Senin, 24 November 2008
Jumat, 07 November 2008
UNO fever !
pertama kali main uno itu pas jaman - jaman shs (baca : SMA). waktu sma dulu , I was the stupidest one who played UNO card ! jelek banget dehh gw mainnya ! hehehe.

nd now UNO cards has come exsist again. HA HA HA ! maka kebodohanku dalam bermain uno pun exsist kembali juga.

berawal dari idenya nonni (one of my collegian friends, red) yang abis beli kipas robot gedekk di stan deket FBS (Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, red).
keesokan harinya setelah si nonni pamer - pamer kipas robot gedeknya yang baru dibeli kemaren,
nonni : eh eh eh, main UNO yookkk !!
saqy : (sok bisa dan sok jago main UNO) ayo ayooo !
meqy : wahh ide bagus tuh ! emang ada yang punya ??
nonni : di stan yang kemaren gw beli kipas robot gedekk gw ini , jualan UNO juga lohh
saqy : (tetep sok jago dan still yakin ) ah mahal kan ??
nonni : ngga ! harganya cuma 15ribu rupiah men !
meqy : waww !! ayo ayo beli !
saqy : (ga mau rugi) patungan aja yook ! kan kita maennya bareng-bareng ! biar ga ada yang ngerasa memiliki, tapi milik bersama. ya ga ??
meqy : (ga mau rugi juga kayaknya) setuju setuju !
akhirnya saqy, nonni dan meqy malakkin anak - anak TP 2008 , masing-masing minimal 1000 rupiah buat beli UNO cards. (tapi tetep aja yang nyumbang paling gede si nonni , hahaha)
after that, kita semua main UNO moloooo kerjaaanya ! tiap ada waktu kosong dikiiittt aja, pasti kita main UNO deh ! ckck.
oia, peraturannya juga unik :
1. ga boleh ngomong 'gw- lo' selama permainan berlangsung
2. ga boleh ngomong kata - kata jorok
3. ga boleh ngomong kata - kata kasar
4. ga boleh ngomong kata - kata yang ga sopan
5. kalo ngelanggar yg 4 diatas, mesti nyangkul 2 kartu.
jadii, karena faktor peraturan yang ribet itulah alhasil gw jadi nyangkuul moloooo ! kebiasaan ngomong gw - lo sih niii !!! huuhhhh
konyolnya temen - temen gw pada kreatif banget ! untuk menghindari keluarnya kata - kata dan omongan kasar nan jorok itu, mereka menggunakan bahasa daerah !! ahahaha WTH ??!! sucks banget emang ! ada yang pake bahasa padang, ada yang bahasa jawa-tegal, bahasa sunda, jadi keliatan konyol banget laaah pokoknya ! hhihihi.
soo, let's the UNO battle begin !! yippiieeeeyyy !
beautiful fridaynight :)
umm it's not like 'friday night' that lily allen usually sing on it , which she say that get in the car nd drive to the club , well NO ! I'm not going to any club, nd I also not a Girl on a guest list dressed like a c***, just like lily allen say on her FRIDAY NIGHT song. hello , I'm a good girl , geez !
Yeaa, last night was a beautiful night I ever had. though I'm getting ill now. hehe masuk angin stadium akhir nii. tapi kejadian friday night ini bener-bener jadi obat buat gw. I mean, everytime I remember about the night I just don't care if I am sick now. hehehe.
hmh, jadi pas malem jumat kemaren itu, one of my BEST friends ulang taun. I've told you a lil about him on my previous post --the one that I've been waiting for his calls, remember ??-- I've told you before, He isn't my anything except friend, okay?? I explicit you once again, he is just my BESTY ! but idk, I just feel soo happy when I was with him. It feels like time stops when I'm with him*teehee. no offense if you said that he has driving me crazy!
that night was soo beautiful nd I was so amazed with him. I don't know I don't feel right when he stare at me or even when he smiling at me ! I just feel like, ummm flying ?? yeaa up and high soo high, nd I dont want it to be ends up. ohh puuhhleeaaaasssee what am I talking about ??!!
well we've spent the night together.
we played UNO cards , he done soo many silly things that made me laugh! hmhh, that was really really time stops when I'm with him. BAHH !!
I arrived at home at 10.30 pm, when I was about to go bed, he send me an sms that made me smile. hehehe.
yeaa he isn't anyone except my BESTY ! but thanks for the most beautiful friday night ! I hope he does feel the same then :)
Yeaa, last night was a beautiful night I ever had. though I'm getting ill now. hehe masuk angin stadium akhir nii. tapi kejadian friday night ini bener-bener jadi obat buat gw. I mean, everytime I remember about the night I just don't care if I am sick now. hehehe.
hmh, jadi pas malem jumat kemaren itu, one of my BEST friends ulang taun. I've told you a lil about him on my previous post --the one that I've been waiting for his calls, remember ??-- I've told you before, He isn't my anything except friend, okay?? I explicit you once again, he is just my BESTY ! but idk, I just feel soo happy when I was with him. It feels like time stops when I'm with him*teehee. no offense if you said that he has driving me crazy!
that night was soo beautiful nd I was so amazed with him. I don't know I don't feel right when he stare at me or even when he smiling at me ! I just feel like, ummm flying ?? yeaa up and high soo high, nd I dont want it to be ends up. ohh puuhhleeaaaasssee what am I talking about ??!!
well we've spent the night together.
we played UNO cards , he done soo many silly things that made me laugh! hmhh, that was really really time stops when I'm with him. BAHH !!
I arrived at home at 10.30 pm, when I was about to go bed, he send me an sms that made me smile. hehehe.
yeaa he isn't anyone except my BESTY ! but thanks for the most beautiful friday night ! I hope he does feel the same then :)
Rabu, 05 November 2008
supercamp or photocamp ??
I'm not about in the mood of writing now. I'm apologize to you all guys .
I prefer put a picture here than writing right now. Well, I mean, I'm seriously, totally not in the mood of those writing stuff. so please just forgive me and look at these pics that had taken 3days ago at Cileumber, Bogor when I'm having a supercamp event with my collegian friends. sorry again not tell you more about supercamp ! next time I PROMISE !!

so is it a supercamp or a photo camp ??
I prefer put a picture here than writing right now. Well, I mean, I'm seriously, totally not in the mood of those writing stuff. so please just forgive me and look at these pics that had taken 3days ago at Cileumber, Bogor when I'm having a supercamp event with my collegian friends. sorry again not tell you more about supercamp ! next time I PROMISE !!
so is it a supercamp or a photo camp ??
Selasa, 04 November 2008
not sleep yet
hmm I thought I'd be sleep after I take a bath, but err ummmmhh , well now I'm waiting for a phone call. from whom ?? yaa ya yaaa it's from a boy --but he isn't much more precious than a friend-- . tapi ga tau kenapa gw nungguin telponnya, though I can tell him if I am sleepy or tired, so he can't disturb me this night. but yaa ya yeaa , you know what ?? I DON'T DO THAT !! oh ! what's worng with me huh ??
nothings wrong . I guess . nd I wish .
it's been 30minutes I've been waiting from his calls. but there's nothing. well, an hour ago he told me that he would call me. yaa, but helloo ?? where does he goo ?? huhh.
hahh uda dehh tinggalin tidur aja .
I'm still hoping for his calls.
manaaaa ??
--nyanyi dulu aahhh--
eh tau lagunya jason mraz ga ?? hehe I'm on jason mraz's fever yeeaaa !
I'm singing on that song now yeaa.
Lyrics | Jason Mraz - I'm Yours lyrics
ps : click there if you want to sing along with me. hehe
hey hey !! there he goes !! yippiiiieeyy !! hahaha . say hello from saqy yoo. hahaha. tau iklan itu gaaa ??
hyahahaha I'm happy happy yooo. lahh ?? ko malah happy ?? curigaa ni gw curigaaa.
nothings wrong . I guess . nd I wish .
it's been 30minutes I've been waiting from his calls. but there's nothing. well, an hour ago he told me that he would call me. yaa, but helloo ?? where does he goo ?? huhh.
hahh uda dehh tinggalin tidur aja .
I'm still hoping for his calls.
manaaaa ??
--nyanyi dulu aahhh--
eh tau lagunya jason mraz ga ?? hehe I'm on jason mraz's fever yeeaaa !
I'm singing on that song now yeaa.
Lyrics | Jason Mraz - I'm Yours lyrics
ps : click there if you want to sing along with me. hehe
hey hey !! there he goes !! yippiiiieeyy !! hahaha . say hello from saqy yoo. hahaha. tau iklan itu gaaa ??
hyahahaha I'm happy happy yooo. lahh ?? ko malah happy ?? curigaa ni gw curigaaa.
I'm a windy person
lagi ga mood nulis.
kapan yaa ada waktu seharian kosong buat nge-blog lagi ??
akhir - akhir ini pulang maleeemmm terus! from am to pm nii. hebatnya anak mama yg satu ini. nd it makes me have no time to updating my blog. I'm sorry blog to left you cold for a while, but I promise I'll go blogging again after I get my mood back , well asap (as soon as possible, red).
I have sooo many many things to tell you!! but yeaa, I just feel so tired to write it now, nd I think I'm going to die after I post this blog, lol.
hoaaahhhmm, I have to go bathing now. Just FYI, I just arrived at home just a few minutes ago, nd now I'm going to take a bath and take a rest. good nite blog, good nite everyone. have a sleep tight everyone. loves you all. mmuuaaaaahhhh
kapan yaa ada waktu seharian kosong buat nge-blog lagi ??
akhir - akhir ini pulang maleeemmm terus! from am to pm nii. hebatnya anak mama yg satu ini. nd it makes me have no time to updating my blog. I'm sorry blog to left you cold for a while, but I promise I'll go blogging again after I get my mood back , well asap (as soon as possible, red).
I have sooo many many things to tell you!! but yeaa, I just feel so tired to write it now, nd I think I'm going to die after I post this blog, lol.
hoaaahhhmm, I have to go bathing now. Just FYI, I just arrived at home just a few minutes ago, nd now I'm going to take a bath and take a rest. good nite blog, good nite everyone. have a sleep tight everyone. loves you all. mmuuaaaaahhhh
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